+ 86-18761016003

Kalluumeysiga Hal Pilot

Halkan ayaad joogtaa: Bogga Hore >Koorsada >Pilot Hubinta Valve >Kalluumeysiga Hal Pilot

  • /img/single_pilot_operated_check_valves.jpg
  • /upfile/2019/01/21/20190121152516_835.jpg
  • /upfile/2019/01/21/20190121152525_124.jpg
  • /upfile/2019/01/21/20190121152535_218.jpg

Duuliye Keliya ah oo Shaqeeya Hubinta Hubinta

  • Description
  • Halbeegyada iyo dabeecadda
  • Wax soo baara

The pilot operated check valve arrow free flow in onedirection (from V to C)reverse opening is required bythe pilot pressure control to achieve the single valve.Thepilot operated check valves are on/off valves,not able tomodulate the opening,these valves are suitable to hold the load but they are not suitable to control the loadmotion.

Isticmaalka Iyo Hawlgalka

These valves are used to block the cylinder in one direction.The flow is free in one direction and blocked in the reverse direction untilpilot pressure is applied. 


Connect V1 to V2 to the pressure flow and C1 to the free flow side of the actuatorand C2 to the actuator's side you want the flow to be blocked.

Parameters iyo dabeecad

Qalabka iyo Tilmaamaha

Jirka-Zinc-ku dahaaran birta.

Qaybaha gudaha: adag iyo birta dhulka.

Shaabadeynta: BUNA N heerka

Nooca Poppet: Wax ka daadasho kasta.


SAXIIX IYO SAXIIX!Bixinta iimaylka gaarka ah & takhasuska waqti dhimista xadidan