SQZT-L20 röð Pneumatic Vökvakerfisstýrisventlar
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SQZT-L20 series pneumatic control valves are developed on ZT-L20 manual control valves. It changed the control way of these valves, especially, it can be controlled by remote control with the pneumatic control way. The power beyond function is on the SQZT-L20 series, it is able to be connected with other hydraulic valves in series. The features of this monoblock construction SQZT-L20 pneumatic control valves are compact construction, high working pressure, better working performance, reliable working, remote controlling and etc. Besides that, the manual control can be used with the pneumatic control together. The valves are widely used on mechanical machines, sanitation machines, mining machines and other machines’ hydraulic systems.
Model SQZT-L20 Dimensional Data
Parametrar og karakter
1 Inner check valve: The check valve inside the valve body is to insure the hydraulic oil will not be returned.
2 Innri léttir loki: Létti loki inni í loki líkamans er fær um að stilla vinnuþrýsting vökvakerfisins.
3 Olíuleið: Samhliða hringrás, með kraft fyrir utan.
4 Control Way: pneumatic control, manual control
5 Valve construction: monoblock construction, 1-4 levers are available to assembled as you requests.
6 spólavirkni: O,A,Y osfrv.
Nom.þrýstingur (MPa) |
Hámarksþrýstingur (MPa) |
Flæði hlutfall (L / mín. |
Hámarksrennsli (L / mín. |
Bak þrýstingur (MPa) |
Vökvakerfi |
Tem.rang (℃) |
Visc.rang (Mm2 / S |
Síun nákvæmni (Μm) |
20 |
31.5 |
80 |
100 |
≤1 |
-20~80 + |
10~400 |
≤10 |