Z80 Series Solenoid Arụ Ọrụ Monoblock Directional Control Valves
- Oke na agwa
- ase
Z80 usoro valves na n'etiti-elu nsogbu monoblock ewu na-mepụtara dabere na Europe technology.
The monoblock directional control valves-solenoid operated, offer perfect choice whether you are designing a new system or just simply trying to get more out of your current system. With two special spools and 6 different monoblock housings these valves can meet the specific needs of your application and hydraulic schemes by their double acting in 3 positions A and D spools.
Pnhazi na agwa
1 Ne valvụ elele: The valvụ ego n'ime valvụ ahụ bụ ka amụma mkpuchi mbanye haịdrọlik agaghị alaghachi.
2 Nchekwa dị n'ime: Valvụ enyemaka dị n'ime ahụ valvụ ahụ nwere ike ịhazigharị sistemụ hydraulic na-arụ ọrụ.
3 wayzọ mmanụ: Parallel circuit, ike karịrị nhọrọ
4 Coils, Njikọ ISO4400: 12VDC, 24VDC
5 Threads:P,A,B-G1/2, SAE10, T-G3/4,SAE12
6 Valve construction: Monoblock construction, 1-6 levers.
7 Kpomkwem amụrụ amị ma na-egweri ihe na-eme ka mwepụ ọdụ ụgbọ mmiri na obere ike ịla n'iyi. Ndị a kpọmkwem valves na-enye ohere maka kennyeghari spools maka mfe na ebe mmezi.
Nrụgide (Udochukwu |
Oke. Pịa (Udochukwu |
Nọmba Ọsọ L / min) |
Max. Flow ọnụego L / min) |
Nrụgide Azụ (Udochukwu |
Mmanụ Hydraulic |
Uche (℃) |
Visc.rang Mm2 / S) |
Filtrating Eziokwu () |
20 |
31.5 |
80 | 80 |
≤1 |
-20~+ 80 |
10~400 |
≤10 |